Filing requests for items to be included in the agenda

Swiss Life/Rentenanstalt's annual general meeting will be held on May 24, 2002 in Zurich. Based on Art. 699, Cl. 3 of the Swiss Code of Obligations, shareholders representing shares of a par value of at least one million Swiss francs may request items to be included in the agenda.

In accordance with Cl. 8.5 of the Articles of Association, the Board of Directors herewith invites shareholders fulfilling the above-mentioned requirements to file in writing any requests for items to be included in the agenda by

March 18, 2002

to Swiss Life/Rentenanstalt, General Secretariat, P.O. Box, 8022 Zurich, and to provide sufficient proof of the par value they represent (confirmation from the safekeeping bank that the shares are blocked until after the general meeting).

Swiss Life/Rentenanstalt
For the Board of Directors
The Chairman: Andres F. Leuenberger