In response to its research showing a gap in the disability coverage in Singapore, Prudential has launched Group Early Stage Disability (ESD) protection. This pioneering product is the first available on the local employee benefit market to cover partial and temporary disability as a result of illness or injury. Prudential is also offering a new portable supplementary protection product for employees.
Total and permanent disability (TPD) coverage is the main group disability insurance in Singapore. It pays a lump sum to the life insured in the event of total and permanent disability, meaning inability to engage in any gainful occupation. TPD benefit is usually included in the main group life plan at no additional charge. However, due to the industry’s stringent criteria for TPD claims, it is often perceived by customers as add-on coverage with little add-on value.

Prudential’s claims statistics showed that some 20% of insured members who filed a TPD claim were declined, mainly because they failed to meet the TPD condition: “not able to engage in any gainful occupation”. This condition is not easy to fulfil, since even after recovering from an injury or illness, most people can take some form of less physically-demanding work (e.g. clerical or simple administration) and earn an income. In addition to TPD, disability provider and disability income coverages are available, however both benefits have similar definitions to TPD.

New partial and temporary cover closes the protection gap
To meet what is effectively a disability protection gap, Prudential has launched a new product: Group Early Stage Disability (ESD) protection. Group ESD is the first insurance offered in Singapore to cover partial and temporary disability resulting from illness or injury. Benefits are paid based on the insured member’s inability to carry out daily tasks affecting their quality of life, specifically the following quality of life conditions (QLC):

- Seeing clearly
- Sitting or rising from a chair
- Removing pills from a pack
- Walking on a level surface for 200m
- Carrying weights of 2kg
- Speaking and hearing clearly

Group ESD benefits should promote faster return to work
According to Prudential, it is in every employer’s interest to provide such protection benefits to employees, who will receive payments during the early stages of disability. These payments will help disabled employees to cover medical costs during their recovery, and should assist them to resume employment sooner rather than later.

Supplementary employee benefits look to the future
Prudential understands that organizations need to focus on the well-being of employees. Apart from providing customary company-sponsored health insurance, more companies are recognizing the value of offering other health-related and financial planning services, so that employees are well-informed about their financial risks and adequately protected even beyond their employment term with the organization.

To support this, Prudential has developed the PruGroup Nurture programme, which provides special privileges to group clients and their employees:

- Wellness education and programmes
- Financial / retirement planning seminars
- On-site health screening and corporate health report cards
- Promotions on portable products

Portable supplementary protection for employees
In October, Prudential launched a new product named PRUtermplus Advantage, designed exclusively for the working population. PRUtermplus Advantage provides comprehensive yet affordable protection to supplement and enhance the benefits of company-sponsored programmes. Just ten years of affordable premium payments ensure that employees have continuous coverage even after they leave their current employment.

The PruGroup Nurture programme brings this innovative product to employees in their workplace with an easy application process. More crucially, it provides employees with peace of mind as they progress in their careers, and supports employers’ efforts to be responsible corporate citizens, promoting additional protection and provision for their employees.

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or contact Ms. Lena Tsia
Phone: +65 6572 2510