Key figures - from share price and dividends to analyst recommendations or share buyback programmes.

As of 30.06.2024  
Share type Registered share
Par value
CHF 0.10
Number of shares 28 727 519
Tax value
CHF 584.00 (31.12.2023)
Free, if held in a Swiss Life custody account


SIX Swiss Exchange
Security number
ISIN CH0014852781
Ticker symbol SLHN
Reuters SLHN.S
Bloomberg SLHN SW

The Swiss Life Ltd share (formerly Rentenanstalt/Swiss Life) was first listed on the Swiss Exchange in July 1997. In October 2002 Swiss Life Holding Ltd launched a public exchange offer for all Swiss Life Ltd shares. The registered shares of Swiss Life Holding Ltd (SLHN) first traded on 19 November 2002.