With almost 50 years of experience, Swiss Life Network has accumulated extensive knowledge and experience in employee benefits worldwide. To share such knowledge and experience, we have made available to clients valuable documentation and publications on the employee benefit landscape in various countries.
The best place to start is the Employee Benefit Reference Manual (EBRM) - one of our most popular publications – which is updated every year with the help of the local Swiss Life Network Partners.
The EBRM provides a comprehensive view in regards to employee benefits in various countries. It starts with a top-level summary that leads on to details on country statistics and legislation. The next sections focus on the local coverages available, starting with the range of social security benefits offered, followed by information on private benefit plans. Each country profile culminates with an outlook section that highlights trends and developments on the horizon that may influence future benefit provision. Aspects such as taxation, eligibility and financing are all explored in detail, broken down by coverage.
Since its first publication some 30 years ago, the EBRM has grown to include more countries and more relevant details. Today, clients, prospects and advisors can order the EBRM free of charge as a CD-ROM, or simply go onto the Swiss Life Network website (www.swisslife.com/international/corporateclients) to download the individual country profiles.
The annual publication of the EBRM is in June of every year. When you are reading this newsletter, we have just finished up the 2011 EBRM. It charts the employee benefit landscape of 48 countries. We encourage you to visit our website to order or download it. If you have any questions or suggestions on the EBRM, we would love to hear it. Please write to us at network@swisslife.com.