As mentioned in the June issue of this Newsletter, Swiss Life (France) has launched a plan called “Swiss Pass Expat”, which offers healthcare, assistance, death and disability coverage for expatriates. The new plan was presented to brokers and consultants at an event in Paris in June.
The main goal of the June 23rd meeting with French brokers and consultants was to explain the various options provided by the plan. In addition, a Swiss team of experts comprising Erik Helsen, Reto Heini and Gilles Finkestein presented the Swiss Life Network and its global pooling solutions.

After a welcome from Thierry Villetelle, who heads group life and medical sales development for Swiss Life in France, the audience of around 50 brokers and consultants heard an introduction to multinational pooling followed by a global overview of the comprehensive range of international employee benefit solutions offered by the Swiss Life Network.

The participants showed great interest in cooperating with the Swiss Life Network, as this gives them access to updated information on employee benefits in around 50 countries, as well as numerous advantages for themselves and their multinational clients running an international programme with Swiss Life.

Line Marnot, Broker Sales Manager in Paris, also spoke on Swiss Pass Expat. This was followed by a lively discussion, particularly on the integrated assistance guaranties.

This meeting was the first of its kind, and definitely increased understanding between insurance experts and the Swiss Life Network’s sales and marketing teams. Judged a success by all participants, next year’s event will focus on global international plans for expatriates.

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