First Guarantee Life has been offering its group medical plan on the local market since 2004, and now serves several international clients in the Philippines.
The group medical plan covers the following benefits (up to set maximum amounts) after deduction of Medicare, Philhealth and other workmen’s compensation benefits:
- Hospital room & board
- Hospital services (use of operating room including anaesthetics and oxygen; medicines and dressings; blood transfusions; local use of ambulances; laboratory procedures)
- Physicians’ fees for in-hospital visits
- Surgical benefits covering surgeons’ and anaesthetists’ professional fees.

Outpatient benefits optional
First Guarantee Life’s group medical plan is offered either as an inpatient plan with outpatient benefits, or for inpatient care only. Standard limits are in place for room and board, physician’s fees, other hospital services, surgeon’s fees and anaesthetists’ fees.

Reimbursement and card plans
Medical schemes are available either as reimbursement or card plans.
- Under reimbursement plans, the insured has to settle the full bill for medical or hospital expenses after treatment, then file a claim for reimbursement of allowable expenses.
- Under card plans, First Guarantee has a contract with EA (Europe Assist) Philippines which permits insureds to pay only their share of medical or hospital expenses on discharge. The remainder of the bill is paid directly by the insurer.

A member of the Swiss Life Network since 1996, First Guarantee Life was founded in 1958 and is part of the progressive Coyiuto Group of companies.

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