Excellent Multi-Client Pool results mean 79% of clients receive an international dividend.
The Swiss Life Network currently has more than 400 pools and approximately 3,700 pooled contracts with large multinational clients. Smaller clients have the possibility of participating in a Multi-Client Pool, even if the company does not yet meet the criteria for a client-specific pool.
Currently, the Swiss Life Network Multi-Client Pool covers over 46,000 employees in more than 80 multinational companies, with a total premium of over CHF 46.5 million.
Swiss Life is pleased to announce that 79% of clients in the Multi-Client Pool will receive an international dividend based on the 2007 results. This will amount on average to some 13.5% of risk premium, and represents 52.3% of the overall positive result of the pool. This is by far the best result since 2004 when the pool began. Today the Multi-Client Pool has twice as many companies involved and three times as much pooled premium as in 2004.
Currently, the Swiss Life Network Multi-Client Pool covers over 46,000 employees in more than 80 multinational companies, with a total premium of over CHF 46.5 million.
Swiss Life is pleased to announce that 79% of clients in the Multi-Client Pool will receive an international dividend based on the 2007 results. This will amount on average to some 13.5% of risk premium, and represents 52.3% of the overall positive result of the pool. This is by far the best result since 2004 when the pool began. Today the Multi-Client Pool has twice as many companies involved and three times as much pooled premium as in 2004.