Eléna Pojarov, musician
visited by Horst Stirner, IT systems engineer, Swiss Life Germany
The customer:
Eléna Pojarov from Cologne loves music. She recently released her debut album «Drama 2.0», which sold well online. Security is important to her, that's why she studied business law before devoting herself fully to music. Swiss Life Select also offers her security through a Riester pension annuity, private liability and legal expenses insurance.
The employee:
Horst Stirner, 46, lives in Hanover with his family. He is a hobby musician - however he doesn't have much spare time these days as he is studying business IT as well as working. He has been working at Swiss Life Germany as an IT systems engineer for 14 years already and he takes every opportunity to see his work from an external perspective.
The project:
Customers play the leading role in the “100 employees visit 100 customers” campaign. Until the end of 2015, Swiss Life is giving 100 employees, who have no customer contact in their day-to-day work, the opportunity to get to know a customer.