Swiss Life’s advisory and product strategy combines optimal customer value with profitable and sustainable business behaviour.
Swiss Life offers private and corporate clients comprehensive and individual advice plus a broad range of proprietary and partner products through its own financial advisors, agents and distribution partners. Swiss Life Select, the subsidiary specialising in financial planning for private households and the brokering of financial products, and the advisors at Tecis, Horbach, Proventus, Chase de Vere and Fincentrum use the Best Select approach to help their customers to choose the product that suits them best. In this way, customers are given access to an extensive range of products from many suppliers.
As a pensions and financial services company, Swiss Life puts people at the centre of its business. Product solutions with a savings component make it possible to provide for retirement and close potential gaps in coverage. Life and disability insurance can enable people to provide material security for their relatives or mitigate the financial consequences of earning incapacity or occupational disability.
Insurance Business
As part of its sustainability strategy, Swiss Life has set itself the goal of meeting customer demand for sustainable solutions with its own products and solutions and of expanding its product range accordingly. Swiss Life is therefore working on further sustainable insurance, pension and financial products by way of an ongoing product development process and is making increasing use of digital sales channels for this purpose. Swiss Life’s underwriting process ensures that the insured portfolio complies with the company’s fundamental standards and values. Risk underwriting is in keeping with the regulatory requirements and with Swiss Life’s commitment to holistic and value-oriented risk management.
Swiss Life advisors have an important role to play: they support customers in realising their needs and visions of sustainability. This is also a source of new business opportunities for Swiss Life. A number of divisions in the Swiss Life Group have launched local products with sustainability aspects in recent years. ESG factors are also incorporated into the advisory processes via these products and solutions. In 2022, Swiss Life increasingly integrated the relevant sustainability aspects into its advisory process and its marketing and sales documents. Swiss Life has set itself the goal of utilising its advisors’ market strength and consistently embedding sustainability in its advisory business.