Swiss Life operates a total of seven of its own foundations in its various core markets. The focus is on encouraging commitment, self-determination and confidence.


Foundation work in Switzerland

Swiss Life operates three charitable foundations in its home market of Switzerland. The Swiss Life «Perspectives» Foundation was founded in 2005. It supports charitable initiatives in the fields of health, science, education, culture and sport, for which it spends CHF 1.3 to 1.5 million every year.

In its home market Swiss Life runs a second foundation, the «Anniversary Foundation for Public Health and Medical Research», which was founded in 1957 to mark the company’s centenary. This foundation supports medical research projects and specific charitable organisations for people with physical and mental disabilities.

The Swiss Life Select distribution company operates the «Confidence for Children» foundation in Switzerland, which aims to improve the life and development opportunities of disadvantaged children and give them a better chance at leading a self-determined and independent life.

NHB Corporate Citizenship

Foundation work in Germany

Through the “Swiss Life Stiftung für Chancenreichtum und Zukunft” (Foundation for opportunities and the future), Swiss Life Germany does its part for educational equity and equal opportunity in Germany. It works towards having as many people as possible – regardless of their social background – remain curious, acquire knowledge and, as a result, lead a self-determined life.

In 2019, the “Swiss Life Stiftung für Chancenreichtum und Zukunft” initiated a multi-year strategic cooperative project with “KinderHelden”, a mentoring initiative that offers improved educational opportunities to primary school children with a difficult background and helps them integrate into society.


Foundation work in France

Since its inception in 2008, the “Fondation Swiss Life” has been supporting long-term projects with its partners in the fields of health, art and social engagement. The main projects are support in area of cancer research, support for Alzheimer patients and their carers and support for carers. The Fondation Swiss Life also supports artistic creativity, with the “Prix Swiss Life à 4 Mains” awarded for works in photography and music. In addition, 14 solidarity projects in various areas were supported in 2023 as part of the “Aider à aider” employee volunteer programme.

In 2023, Swiss Life France launched the solidarity initiative #ActForLife. This offers employeessix ways to get involved: solidarity actions for companies, “Aider à aider,” salary donations,conferences and awareness raising, sponsorship of senior skills and team building events. Allactions are documented on an online platform accessible to all employees.

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Foundation work in Austria

Swiss Life Select in Austria runs a foundation called Zuversicht für Kinder (“Giving children confidence”), which supports local and international aid projects as well as medical aid in specific cases. The foundation has been cooperating with aid organisations for years to ensure that the donated funds are put to the best use for those in need.


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