As at the balance sheet date of 31 December 2022, acting members of the Board of Directors and the Corporate Executive Board (including closely linked parties) held the following number of registered Swiss Life Holding shares and future subscription rights to Swiss Life Holding shares in the form of Restricted Share Units (RSU).

Board of Directors

Members of the Board of Directors
  SLH shares 31.12.2023
Rolf Dörig, Chairman of the Board of Directors 31 154
Thomas Buess 24 605
Monika Bütler 152
Philomena Colatrella 60
Adrienne Corboud Fumagalli
1 163
Ueli Dietiker 1 753
Damir Filipovic 2 153
Stefan Loacker 926
Severin Moser 123
Henry Peter 15 337
Martin Schmid 774
Franziska Tschudi Sauber 3 600
Klaus Tschütscher 1 736
Total Board of Directors 83 536

Corporate Executive Board

Members of the
Corporate Executive Board
Restricted Share Units
(RSU) 31.12.20231
SLH shares
Patrick Frost, Group CEO 6 345
36 019
Matthias Aellig 3 901
7 883
Jörg Arnold 3 599
5 356
Theo Iaponas 773
Markus Leibundgut 4 232
4 665
Stefan Mächler 4 080
7 839
Tanguy Polet2 2 874 
10 190
Roman Stein3 2 418 561
Total Corporate Executive Board 28 222
72 640

1 Total number of RSUs allocated in the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 in connection with the relevant equity compensation plan. The RSUs represent future subscription rights thatentitle the individuals concerned to receive Swiss Life Holding shares after a period of three years, provided that the relevant conditions are met at that point.
2 Including 4679 Swiss Life Holding Ltd shares to which Tanguy Polet is entitled after a two-year blocking period, to compensate for the cancellation of a pension plan for Swiss Life France management employees in connection with a change in French social security and tax legislation.
3 As announced with the media release of 17.08.2023, the Board of Directors of Swiss Life has appointed Roman Stein as interim CEO of Swiss Life Switzerland in place of Markus Leibundgut, who has temporarily stepped down from operations due to a cancer diagnosis. After the balance sheet date, but before the editorial deadline for the Annual Report,it was announced in the media release of 14.03.2024 that Markus Leibundgut had decided to step down and the Board of Directors had appointed Roman Stein as CEO ofSwiss Life Switzerland with immediate effect.