Brigitta and Paul Böhlen didn’t want to put off fulfilling their lifelong dream, so they traded their home for an off-road vehicle and spent 2573 days travelling around the world. A video essay about a couple for whom self-determination means having the time.

It was a burnout that opened Paul Böhlen’s eyes. “At the time I thought to myself, I have to change something or I won’t reach 60”, he recalls. So he and his wife decided to fulfil their dream of travelling around the world. They were on the road for seven years – and experienced highs and lows together. Paul has since retired, while Brigitta is still working. But neither of them is thinking of taking it easy. The next trip is already around the corner. They will be on the go for at least three years.

With their way of life, Paul and Brigitta are probably ahead of their time. In their research project "How we will live tomorrow”, the think tank W.I.R.E. and Swiss Life present 44 possible models for life in the future. One of these models involves retired nomads, who spend the evening of their days on the road. The Swiss couple is already living this future paradig.

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