Frequently asked questions and the answers.
When was the company founded?
Swiss Life Holding Ltd, with its head office in Zurich, is the successor to the Schweizerische Rentenanstalt founded in 1857.
In what year did the Swiss Life Group change its legal form and what was the price at which the share were offered at that time?
The transformation of Swiss Life from a mutual company to a public limited company took place in 1997, just before its 140th birthday. The change became legally effective when entered in the Commercial Register on 30 June 1997.
Shares were distributed to all members of the mutual company free of charge. The number of shares that each received was based on the relative value of their insurance position at that time.
More about our history
Who are we?
Swiss Life has more than 160 years of experience in affording people financial security. With individual pension and financial advice for private and corporate customers as well as proven investment expertise for institutional investors, we enable people to lead a self-determined life. More about Swiss Life
In which countries and business areas is Swiss Life active?
As the Swiss Life Group we operate in Switzerland, Germany and France, and have competency centres in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and Singapore.
The Swiss Life Select, Tecis, Horbach, Proventus, Fincentrum, and Chase de Vere advisors choose suitable market products for customers. Swiss Life Asset Managers offers institutional and private investors access to solutions for investment and asset management. Moreover, Swiss Life provides multinational corporations with employee benefits solutions and high net worth individuals with structured life and pensions products.
The subsidiaries Livit, Corpus Sireo, Mayfair Capital and Beos are also part of the Swiss Life Group.
More about Swiss Life Group
Where can I find out more about the Corporate Executive Board and Board of Directors?
Here you will find full details of management and corporate governance.
Which stock market lists the Swiss Life Holding Ltd shares and what is the ticker symbol?
Swiss Life Holding Ltd shares are listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange. Ticker symbol: SLHN.
More about the Swiss Life share
What kind of stock is the Swiss Life share?
Swiss Life Holding Ltd only has registered shares in electronic form.
What security and ISIN numbers are used for Swiss Life Holding Ltd shares?
The Swiss security number is 1485 278 and the ISIN number is CH0014852781.
How can I get the current stock quote of the Swiss Life share?
Our stock quote page shows you how the share is doing. Please note that the information displayed is subject to a 15-minute delay.
How many Swiss Life Holding Ltd shares have been issued so far?
Our Swiss Life share page shows you the latest numer of registered shares issued and the par value.
How many shareholders does Swiss Life have?
Here you will find the latest number of shareholders and the latest shareholder structure.
How can I buy Swiss Life Holding Ltd shares?
You can contact the Shareholder Services team directly.
Of course you can also buy Swiss Life Holding Ltd shares through your bank or broker.
For further information about Shareholder Services and to access forms (Opening of a Safekeeping Account, Change of Address, Purchase Order, Transfer etc.), please click here.
How high was the dividend in the past financial years?
Here you will find all details of the dividends distributed by Swiss Life in previous financal years.
How are distributions out of the capital contribution reserve treated for tax purposes?
The distribution out of the capital contribution reserve is made without deduction of Swiss federal withholding tax. The distribution is exempt from income tax for natural persons who live in Switzerland and hold the shares as part of their private assets. Swiss corporations and cooperatives are able to claim the participation deduction if the market value of the shares amounts to at least CHF 1 million.
Does Swiss Life have a programme to reinvest dividends?
No, Swiss Life has no programme to reinvest dividends.
Where can I find information about the Annual General Meeting?
Our Annaual General Meeting page shows you all information.
When will the next Annual General Meeting be held?
The financial calendar keeps you up to date about the next Annual General Meeting.
How can I exercise my voting rights at the General Meeting if I can’t be there myself?
You have the following possibilities:
- You can appoint the independent voting representative to act as your proxy, with full power of substitution, in accordance with your instructions.
- You can appoint a shareholder, who must be eligible to vote, to act as your proxy.
You can appoint a proxy using the order / power of attorney form, which you receive prior to the General Meeting, if you are registered in the share register of Swiss Life Holding Ltd.
For questions please contact Shareholder Services.
According to which accounting standards are the Annual Financial Statements of Swiss Life prepared?
The consolidated Annual Financial Statements of the Swiss Life Group are prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
In which currency does Swiss Life prepare its financial statements?
The presentation and consolidation currency of the Swiss Life Group is the Swiss franc (CHF).
When and where do Swiss Life events take place?
The financial calendar keeps you up to date about all our events.
Where can I gain an overview of the key financial figures?
All important figures are presented at a glance under results and reports.
You can also download a historical comparison of the key financial figures as a PDF file.
Where can I find current and previous information on the results of the Swiss Life Group?
You will find our annual reports, financial statements, letters to shareholders and more in the section
results and reports.